Here she is again our amazing Miss May in another great two-piece set. Of course it is an absolute must to book both parts directly. If not, there's something up your ass. So on with the wallet.
The hard school of life must be somewhere between Poznań and Warsaw said a very clever mistress while waving the stick in punishment! So, it's a good idea that our fantastic Miss Geneviere Malediv strayed into our studio on a kind of educational trip.
What brings 2 fantastic ladies a lot of fun? Ball games, of course. To be honest we are always far away from football, rugby or table tennis. Whereby the balls of the slaves are more like a table tennis ball than a soccer ball. But this is truly the state before the treatment.
Punishment has many faces with our Miss Geneviere Malediv. And in most cases, a face also includes a nose. In recent years we have become somewhat cautious with nasal by-products. But with bulging nostrils there are completely new dimensions and sick varieties, for which in our case, thank God, a willing victim has been found.
It's wonderful. As soon as the first rays of sunshine peep through the clouds, we head out into the fresh air with our Miss May and to the well-proportioned slave bottom! There's an old English saying, fitting for a dominant spring day with our whipping beauty. April showers bring May flowers!
The first impression is always crucial. The face of an angel, a dreamy body, but the hardness of steel and concrete! May we introduce Lady Jolie Berrie. Many have fallen for this first impression. It is rumored that many of them were never seen again. But of course, that's just an urban legend. Probably...
What an unbelievable meanness. Cocks used to have free rein and were allowed to dangle frivolously in the fresh air. But thanks to our Miss May, times have changed and there is no longer a gentle breeze around these wrinkled appendages of the male world.
A sunny day on the roof terrace, 2 fantastic ladies and 2, let's call them that, somewhat worn-out gentlemen with ambitions to be trained as an ashtray! But it's not as easy as it sounds! After all, the two trainers are Miss May and Lady Jolie Berrie. It's going to be tough, really tough.
Well, what two precious little diamonds do we have here? Damn high boots, tight jeans and pretty stern looks. That can only be our two fantastic ladies Geneviere Malediv and Louis Lion. You rarely see a double pack like this. Powerful, cruel and handsome at the same time. A perfect complete package.
Welcome to another lesson in the math of pain! First of all, let's start with a very simple task. What is 1+1? Correct. humiliation. As we can see you have been a good and attentive student lately. Keep it up.
Hide yourself when Mistress Madita goes out for a walk with her most fearsome black bulldozing boots. Today she will certainly not take shortcuts but choose the direct route.
Today we present you the latest achievements in the furniture market. The hottest shit and the craziest trend when it comes to seating furniture. You thought a canapé would be comfortable? You think a chaise longue would be the end of all days for your troubled bottom?
Our black widow is back in her torture chamber and she has planned a lot for you little bastard. In order to avoid boredom only the best instruments have been chosen. Dressed in a dream of a black catsuit and armed with a whole wide selection of different canes and whips she can be still a beauty.
It has always been difficult to find really good staff. But now you can just forget a large part of the people on the job market. Unreliable, unthinkable, clumsy. All of this is worded far too politely. But if you don't get good staff, you can just mold it yourself like modeling clay or warm bread dough.
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