Outdoor Whipping Fun - BRANDNEW!
- Published in Whipping & Caning
- Tagged under: Boots | Whipping | Leather | Humiliation | Bitchy | Classic Femdom | BDSM | English Language | Miss May |

It's wonderful. As soon as the first rays of sunshine peep through the clouds, we head out into the fresh air with our Miss May and to the well-proportioned slave bottom! There's an old English saying, fitting for a dominant spring day with our whipping beauty. April showers bring May flowers!
In our case, it could be interpreted like this. Incredibly many lashes make the slave's ass shine in thousands of colors like a flower meadow in May! Poetically we can. And painful? For this we have our Miss May in her chic black skirt, these charming high heels and this outrageously loud cracking whip. And while the slave and the bees are humming in competition, we come to an important new discovery! Slaves don't buzz, which gives the bees an advantage... BUT: May has always represented renewal and something really refreshingly beautiful. But it can also bring red welts, pain and screams...! In the end, it's still fun, if only for one of the people present. The other will probably never sit again, or at least not for a damn long time.
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