The Lying Human Ashtray
- Published in Human Ashtrays
- Tagged under: Corset | Smoking | Leather | Humiliation | Lady Pascal | Human Ashtray | German Language |

here we have another phantastic clip with adorable german pro dom lady pascal. this clip is a classic clip. the slave (our old non smoking slave) is already in a good position with his head lying on the couch while lady pascal relaxes also on her couch.
she lighten a cigarette and smoke it. its always already a pleasure to watch lady pascal smoking cuz she has some wonderful manicured long red fingernails. she put his legs on his chest while start to ash into his mouth. she demands that the slave has to clean his tongue into his mouth clean before she goes on with smoking. but our slave cannot get it clean. so she announces that he will recieve some punishment later from her. she also announces she will use her sharp fingernails into the flesh of his tongue. so as he still cannot clean it properly she uses her nails digging deeply into the flesh of his tongue. clip contains also lots of lecturing and verbal humiliation where lady pascal is also an expert.
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