Riding Girl's Ashtray Slave
- Published in Human Ashtrays
- Tagged under: Boots | Smoking | Jodhpurs | Lady Chanel | Young Femdom | Human Ashtray | German Language |

The young Lady Chanel is one of the girls at the stables who think they can allow themself everything. Even making the stable boys her private slave. And you know: You would like to be at this slave's place so much.
As always, Chanel is dressed in skin tight jodhpurs, knee high leather boots and a tight top. Needless to say that she wears boots with stiletto high heels. Chanel sits in a wooden frame, the stable boy slave kneels in front of her, not able to speak in her presence. He knows that a small mistake will end up in a whipping with the dressage whip. He has to light up the young beauty's cigarette while in her face is nothing else than arrogance. She really feels nothing for that poor boy.
"Take care, that no ash drops on the ground!", Chanel instructs the slave boy to make him even more nervous. He must not fail. She then drops the hot ash on his tongue, into his mouth. Again and again... and even the cigarette will be stomped out on his tongue. After that, she only has an arrogant gesture and a short "Away!" for him...
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6:41 min, 190 MB, MPG HD
German Language
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