Outdoor Smoking
- Published in Human Ashtrays
- Tagged under: Blackdiamoond | High Heels | Smoking | Humiliation | Human Ashtray | Classic Femdom | Sunglasses | Black Hair | German Language |

this new clip starts outdoor in the areal of german superhot pro dom black diamoond. one of her slave is at work here by cleaning the ground while he is masked and naked.
his owner watches him carefully and whenever he does a mistake or performs lousy he can be quite sure to get the right treatment later. black diamoond is dressed in a casual outfit in this clip and wearing cool sun glasses. she needs a rest now and wants to smoke and announces that she will misuse her slave as her personal human ashtray. as the slave is masked with some stockings on his head first its necessary to burn a hole into the stocking where his mouth is. as black diamoond blows the first load of smoke then into the pathetic slave we can hear that this slave is for sure a non smoker so this treatment is for sure some real punishment for him. but the cruel goddess doesnt care. the only real existence for low life creatures like this one has to be punished, misused, humiliated and degraded. for sure he will get a final treatment when his goddess puts out her cigarette on his tongue! class a human ashtray clip!
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