Humiliated And Misused
- Published in Human Ashtrays
- Tagged under: Smoking | Nipple Play | Humiliation | Lady Pascal | Human Ashtray | Classic Femdom | English Language |

next clip with gorgeous german pro dom lady pascal and her leather slave. this slave is really into leather like many other slaves, but he has to earn the privilege to sniff on the leather or even to be touched by this magic material.
so lady pascal wants him to be her human ashtray first. she gets him very close to her and smoking a slim cigarette. her perfect manicured fingers looking also phantastic. then the slave has to eat the ash or has to inhalate her full blows of smoke (which is pretty humiliating for a non smoker for sure...). also she squeezes his nipples a lil bit. in the end she puts out the cigarette on the tip of his tongue!
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