Your Breakfast, Slave!
- Published in Human Ashtrays
- Tagged under: Boots | Smoking | Humiliation | Lady Pascal | Fingernails | Legs | Erotic | Classic Femdom | German Language |

Lady Pascal is ready to start into the day, a day of luxury life, surrounded by butlers and slaves. It looks like one of the slave will have a bad morning because the cruel woman is already dressed in one of her punishment outfits. Pascal wears a skin tight, shiny black body and thigh high leather boots.
But first she starts with her morning cigarette that she lights up and then she looks down at her private butler with a mean smile. This brave man lays under the wooden rack his Mistress is sitting on. It's for sure that he will be used as her ashtray now. He has to open his mouth wide and put out his tongue. Everytime Pascal has dropped the hot ash on it, he has to swallow it and present her a clean tongue.
From time to time the heartless lady uses her long and red polished finger nails like a pincers. She digs the sharp nails into his tongue and pulls it out so she can check if it is clean enough. At the end she will tell him that this cigarette was his breakfast for today.
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