The Mad Secretaries - Part 3
- Published in Human Ashtrays
- Tagged under: Lady Faye | Smoking | Mistress Cloe | Double Domination | Humiliation | Leggings | German Language |

Do you remember the mad secretaries who keep the new gardener imprisoned in the basement of the company. This clip is the last part of the story and the secretaries start to show their full cruelty now.
After lonely hours and hours in the cold basement, the gardener is visited by the young and mean secretaries again. They light up long and thin cigarettes. "It's cold here", Faye says, "But we will show you the meaning of -hot-", she continues with a mean smile on her face and she looks at the hot tip of her cigarette.
"Open your mouth!", Cloe commands and then she drops the hot ash on his tongue. Faye does the same with her cigarette. That's just the beginning of his training, some day he will be a perfect slave for these arrogant ladies...
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8:01 min, 230 MB, MPG HD
German Language
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