You Will Be My Ashtray
- Published in Human Ashtrays
- Tagged under: Smoking | Gloves | Mistress Cloe | Arrogance | Jeans | Lipstick | Human Ashtray | Make Up | German Language |

"Well slave, unfortunately I forgot an ashtray so you will be my ashtray now!", Mistress Cloe says as she lights up her cigarette. But that was only a rhetorical information. As she passed that slave on her way to the suites, the mean beauty knew she would stop and abuse that slave who is so nice attached to the stairrail by his collar.
Now, she stands on the stair, high above him. Cloe looks so hot and stunning in her skin tight jeans, black designer stiletto heels, a tight blazer and black leather gloves. She wears perfect make-up and she looks down at the slave with so much arrogance. "Open", she commands and drops her ash on his tongue.
Everytime he moans in pain she reminds him to keep quiet because she wants to enjoy her cigarette. She bends over and blows the smoke into his face. Isn't that a lucky slave who is so close to a stunning lady? But on the other hand, the painful end is just to come...
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