Enslaving The Barkeeper
- Published in Female Domination
- Tagged under: Lady Chanel | Human Ashtray | German Language |

Lady Chanel is such a spoiled and selfished lady! She is sitting at the bar in an empty clup and somehow she seems to be bored a little bit.
So she throws away her cigarette packet and orders the barkeeper to bring it back. You can imagine his surprise! He hesitates but Lady Chanel grabs his her and commands him to follow her order. So he crawls around the bar, returns the package and lights up her cigarette. Now he may kneel in front of that spoiled lady who uses him as an human ashtray. He comes so close to her designer boots, made from soft black leather, covering her breath taking legs.
But Lady Chanel doesn't take any notice of him. She only gives a short order when she wants his mouth open for the hot ashes... what an arrogant young lady...
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