Simply A Thing
- Published in Female Domination
- Tagged under: Nipple Play | Spitting | Lady Lilith | German Language |

From Lady Lilith's point of view a slave is simply a thing she owns and she can user for whatever she wants. And she likes to demonstrate that to her stable slaves.
Her slave is bound to a cross, heavy clamps on his nipples, a thin cord attached to the clamps, the other and in Lady Lilith's gloved hands. She lights up a cigarette, takes a deep breath and pulls the cord. Immediately she hears the slave's reaction. His moaning is like music in the cruel beauty's ears.
After a short while she stands up and starts to using the slave's mouth as an human ashtray. Slowly, she holds the cigarette closer and closer to his nipples. What a funny play thing, isn't it? Later she has a glass of water and she has a lot of fun while spitting the water from her mouth in the slave's face. With the clamps still on his nipples she can remind him to thank her very easy...
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