The Rebel - Part 1-2
- Published in Female Domination
- Tagged under: Lady Lilith | German Language |

Somewhere in the future there is an island where cruel ladies make the rules. They reign over men without any mercy and so a small group of men try to resist, their base somewhere in the forrest.
General Lilith is the cruel leader of the feared female guard and she managed to catch one member of the resistance. A new day has come and it is time now to "ask" him where to find the other rebels. She enters the torture hall, her victim is caged, hanging down from the ceiling. The cruel general starts to "ask" questions but of course, she gets no answer... so she puts on her expensive leather gloves and takes her crop.
"Where are the other members of resistance?", she ask him again and again. He answers that he has no idea and so Lady Lilith brings her crop down to his belly several times. "To the wall, pants down!", she commands. At the wall she beats him with the crop all over his body. He screams extremely loud but still resists.
The stunning lady starts to enjoy that and so she points her interest to his scrotch now. Without a warning she lays into his testicles with full force...
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