Hang, Lick, Cum! - Part 3
- Published in Female Domination
- Tagged under: Lady Pascal | German Language |

Lady Pascal wants to change her left boot now and the slave is ordered to help her putting on an extreme domininant looking overknee leather boot. He must close the lacing and he really becomes horny beeing to close to his leather goddess.
"And now, count the eyelets of my boot!", Lady Pascal commends with a davlish smile on her face. The slave tries to count them but the mean Mistress pulls away her leg and kicks it against him. He has no chance to count the right number. What a loser, isn't he?
So he is ordered to lick the boots again, from the heel up to the Lady's legs. To make him doing a good job, Lady Pascal steps on his hands with her boots. The slave moans in pain but that's just the beginning. Now the leather queen presses her spiked heels into his hands and now he really feels her power.
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