Female Domination

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My Sadistic Girlfriend - Part 4-5

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W. is ordered to lay on his back and his cruel girlfriend sits down on his chest. She lights up a cigarette and grabs her cane. She hardly uses the cane on his balls. Then she holds his cock with a firm grip of her leather gloved hand and she burns the tip of his cock with her glowing cigarette.

He screams in pain and so the sadistic lady sits on his face. Her dangerous heels next to his head. She takes her dressage whip and beats his balls again while she hardly pulls at his cock. He wants to beg for mercy but she sits on his face so he is unable to speak.

Still sitting on his chest, W.'s girlfriend is smoking her cigarette and hard slapping his balls with her leather gloved hand. She squeezes his right nipple while she burns the left one with the hot tip of her cigarette. When she finnished her cigarette she stomps it out on his nipple. Then she forces him to lay on his belly again and she starts whipping his ass like crazy. She lays into him with full power!

One hour later his cruel girlfriend returns in a very hot but dominant outfit. She leads him into a dungeon where she fixes his head and hands into a wooden torture cross. She grabs her favourite dressage whip again and starts whipping his ass which is already littered with deep red marks.

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Download My Sadistic Girlfriend - Part 4
9:50 min, 72 MB, WMV
German Language
Download My Sadistic Girlfriend - Part 5
8:45 min, 64 MB, WMV
German Language

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