Scratching And Other Nasties Part 1 - BRANDNEW!
- Published in Female Domination
- Tagged under: Corset | High Heels | Humiliation | Bitchy | Feet | Classic Femdom | BDSM | Lady Mänada | German Language |

Scratching, biting, kicking and pulling the hair. Those were the classics in the school yard and in kindergarten. But you don't do it. It just doesn't belong. Unless you are Lady Mänada. It can happen that she scratches. Of course, with the longest fingernails you've ever seen.
It is rumored that she could cut or fillet steaks with it. We cannot say any more about it. It's always like that with urban legends. What we can say with certainty, however, is that the slave looks quite striped after processing. And while one of the slaves fears the pain of the tigress's claws, the other's balls are maltreated with kicks. She's just a multitasking beast! Too bad that once again a well-intentioned erection is ignored. Our lady just has no time for such foolishness!
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06:43 min, 464 MB, MP4 FULL HD
German Language
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