Fat Slave Gets His Hands Strapped
- Published in Female Domination
- Tagged under: High Heels | White Blouse | Blond Hair | Countess Stella | Classic Femdom | Mistress Nemesis | Black Hair | German Language |

here we have another phantastic clip with strict teachers cassandra aka mistress stella and nemesis. they order today their pupil hans into the room. "you are too fat. you dont do sports. you eat way too many sweets all day. this isnt acceptable."
so he has to raise his hands high and gets his lousy hands strapped by both teacheresses. even to hold the hands high in the air is a difficult tastk, but when strapped by 2 cruel ladies its even harder. he also has to count the hits and get lots of strokes from both ladies. as he miscounts on 12 the ladies restart on 10 again. the slave stats to shake now as the cruel handstrapping continues and he recieved already over 40 strokes on his red hands now. unfortunately he forget to count so the ladies start at 0 again. well. we can be very sure, that with this methods pupils will do sports and stop eating too many sweets!
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