The Rubber Toy 1
- Published in Female Domination
- Tagged under: High Heels | Latex | Gloves | Double Domination | Lady Pascal | Blond Hair | Classic Femdom | German Language |

today we start with a really special series here. usually we are more into leather and our ladies are often dressed in expensive dominiant leather robes with leather boots and so on.
today we start with a series with gorgeous german pro doms lady pascal and madame charlotte called the rubber toy. so these clips are a must for all rubber fans. our rubber toy is already tied down on the floor totally packed in rubber from head to toe and he was tied down in a very uncomfortable position as lady pascal and madame charlotte gets in. the ladies looks superhot, madame charlotte in black rubber and lady pascal in a superexpensive robe with spider nets all around. they untie the rubber slave first, but just to get him in another uncomfortable position. his legs are now on top and his head is down. the only part of his body that is uncovered from the rubber is his prick so in this new position its ideal for the ladies to play with his prick a lil bit. they humiliate him with differnt gamges. e.g. madame charlotte stands in front of him ordering to kiss his ass, but he cannot reach it cuz charlotte is too far away. lady pascal punishing his prick with some slaps. he also recieves more slaps next on his prick and his ass before charlotte pulls out a butt plug and put it where it belongs to… really special stuff and we hope you enjoy it! 2 further parts with different games and outfits will follow!
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