A Hard Belting
- Published in Female Domination
- Tagged under: Corset | Leather | Belting | Mistress Ezada | Black Hair | English Language |

supersadistic lady mistress ezada is in a punishment mode today. and when this mistress is in punishment mode this usually means a suffering from hell for every slave.
dressed in leather she unties her girdle. it is a heavy and thick belt and from the first stroke she brings it down on the backside of her slave with full force. the slave is tied to a punishment bench so moving away from the strokes of his punisher is impossible. and although he is already well marked ezada isnt satisfied with it and mark him more and more with the belt. he also gets the belt on his shoulders and his back and ezada makes him sing in the end - he sings the melody of pure pain. and this slave can usually take a lot of punishment, so when he cries, the punishment is indeed very very hard.
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