Slapping The Idiot
- Published in Female Domination
- Tagged under: Blackdiamoond | Corset | High Heels | Humiliation | Face Slapping | Arrogance | Young Femdom | Leggings | Black Hair | German Language |

here we have another phantastic clip starring german pro dom black diamoond. 2 slaves are involved in this clip.
black diamoonds personal rubber slave who has to kneel all the time in silence. the other slave gets the pure sadism of the heartless bitch. she wants to slap the misbehaviour out of the slave and gives him merciless slaps with her bare hands. right hand, left hand, backhand, forehand, on and on and on the slaps go right into the slaves face that gets redder and redder. the vicious slapping is just interupted sometimes when black diomoond laughs about the moaning and crying of the slave...
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