Sweet Nipples To Be Hurt 2
- Published in Female Domination
- Tagged under: Corset | Leather | Nipple Play | Blond Hair | Erotic | Mistress Whiplash | English Language |

Do you remember the slave whos nipples were be hurt so merciless by the beautiful Misstress Whiplash? He was left alone and Nikki told him that she will return for more torture. And now it's time for the second run.
First, the blond devil uses her riding crop on the already abused nipples. With a smile she hits on the red nipples again and again, the slave screams in pain. But Nikke presents him a pair of new clamps that she is going to but on his poor nipples, followed by more beatings with the riding crop. On the nipples, again and again.
She then shows the slave another special device with heavy clamps. The slave's eyes open wide frightened but Nikke makes him feel her leather clad body. She is so close to her victim, he could even smell her hair, her lipstick. He will take all the pain she inflicts...
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7:34 min, 216 MB, MPG HD
English Language
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