The Mad Secretaries - Part 1
- Published in Female Domination
- Tagged under: Lady Faye | Mistress Cloe | Double Domination | Face Slapping | German Language |

Those 2 secretaries are totally mad. They want their own slave and so they had a crazy idea: Today there is a meeting with a new gardener who was hired to take care of the garden. They put knock out drops into the drink they offered him during the meeting and now he finds himself downstairs in the basement storey with a bag over his head.
There is the sound of high heels as Faye and Cloe come down the stairs. The secretaries have changed their outfits, they are dressed in skin tigh trousers and high heels now. Faye drops off the bag and before he can discuss what happend they ladies have him down on the floor, kissing their shoes and boots. Faye explains him that he will be their slave now.
What follows is his first lesson not to answer back. Faye slaps his face very hard and fast while Cloe laughts at him. But then, Faye holds his head while Cloe continues to slap his face and then they change again, His face turns into a red color very soon but the mad secretaries have too much fun to stop. And at the end they tell him that he will stay here in the cellar and that they will return in one hour...
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6:51 min, 149 MB, MPG HD
German Language
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