Introducing To Femdom - Part 5-6
- Published in Female Domination
- Tagged under: Classic Femdom | Madame Catarina | German Language |

Madame Catarina continues to show Lea her perverted lifestyle. The slave is fettered to a gynaecological chair with tight leather belts. Then Madame Catarina takes two cards from a card game and tells Lea that she will attach them to the slaves breast. Lea can't believe but Madame Catarina takes some needles and pricks them through the slaves nipples.
The special card game can start now and the slave is ordered to go into the salon and to prepair the whipping bench. As the ladies arrive Madame Catarina shows Lea different whips and how to use them. Lea starts to hit the slave careful but it seems that she has fun whipping the slave. From time to time Madame Catarina takes the whip and brings it down to the slave's ass with full force. The slave yells in pain and Lea is really shocked.
Now the game starts. Each lady takes a card and the one who gets the higher may choose a whip and hit the slave. Lea wins the first two rounds and she chooses the cane and a brown leather riding crop.The poor slave has no other chance to take all the beatings from the cruel ladies. What a perverted game invented by the rich and arrogant Madame Catarina...
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