Introducing To Femdom - Part 1-2
- Published in Female Domination
- Tagged under: Classic Femdom | Madame Catarina | German Language |

Madame Catarina is beeing visited by an old friend, Lea. They both are very rich ladies, Madame Catarina is a black widow, Lea has an old but very rich husband. They are spoiled and bigheaded, they have nothing to do except to spend their money for clothes, jewelry, high heels and so on... But there is one big difference: Madame Catarina owns slaves!
While having a cigarette Madame Catarina rings for her private butler. Lea can't believe as she sees this man kneeling in front of her female friend. As Madame Catarina noticed Lea's wonderment she invites her to visit her dungeon room. Lea is really shocked as she enters the dungeon and as she heard from Madame Catarina that she really tortures her slaves. She thinks that ther is no slavery in the 21st century. But Madame Catarina knows better...
Madame Catarina continues to show Lea her dungeon. It seems that Lea becomes really interested to learn more about the dominant lifestyle of her friend. They return to the salon where Madame Catarina rings for her private butler. She orders him to serve the dinner now because they are hungry.
While he prepairs the table she humiliates him and when he makes a small mistake she promply slaps him hard into his face. Lea can't believe what she sees. Because there are some minutes left until the meal is ready, the butler is commanded to massage his owners feet. Madame Catarina invites her friend to visit her again for having fun with one of her slaves...
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