Devil In The Mirror
- Published in Whipping & Caning
- Tagged under: Lady Lilith | German Language |

Lady Lilith whips her slave in her brand new dungeon in the clip! The dungeon was built especially for her wishes with large mirrors all around. The cruel Mistress loves to watch herself whipping a slave...
as well as to see the pain in his face when she whips his back.
Needless to say that the blond goddess looks stunning in her black riding breeches, red leather boots and a skin tight blouse. She has choosen a long dressage whip. What a fearsome sound when the switch cuts the air. The slave is chained to a bed of steel right in front of a large mirror.
Lady Lilith stands behind him, watching herself in the mirror. You can see in her face how much she enjoys the scene and then she starts a serios whipping. The slave screams out loud but Lady Lilith only stops to watch herself in the mirror again.
Attention: Extreme loud screaming. Low down your speakers!
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