Why are you Sweating - BRANDNEW
- Published in Whipping & Caning
- Tagged under: Humiliation | Hot Dress | Arrogance | Feet | Classic Femdom | BDSM | Lady Iveta | German Language | Caning |

Well, our slave had a very exciting idea. You don't go into a lioness' den, crouch naked like a drunken deer in front of her and say "I'm not afraid of you". Thank God our lioness takes it with humor.
Well, that's probably also because she doesn't have sharp teeth. But a carpet beater in soft ivory white to draw the bow back into the African steppe. Today we have it with word games while our fantastic Lady Iveta has it with "butt games". And so, slowly the sweat breaks out on her opponent as the voluminous bottom is immersed in a soft blue and red. Never tease the lioness. She bites!
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