Whipped On The Cross
- Published in Whipping & Caning
- Tagged under: Boots | High Heels | Whipping | Leather | White Blouse | Classic Femdom | Lady Iveta | German Language |

this new clip with lady iveta is quite simple. the lady is just in the mood to change the colour of the skin of the slave. and that is pretty easy for a mistress. just get a whip out and at once there is the right instrument to be creative applying a pattern of criss cross tripes on the rear of a slave.
lady iveta is armed with a short single tail, looking not too hard but as she starts to whip the rear the welts spring on instantly and a nice pattern appears. as she is not satisfied with this she gets out a flogger to redden the skin even more! in the end the lady is satisfied as the rear of the slave nearly looks the same like the red door behind her! :)
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