The Art Hour
- Published in Whipping & Caning
- Tagged under: High Heels | Whipping | Mistress Cloe | White Blouse | Classic Femdom | Mistress Nemesis | Black Hair | German Language |

again we have a wonderful classic role play clip here. 2 pupils klaus and egon are ordered in the class-room and its time for an art hour today. lousy pupil klaus is ordered to paint a portrait on the chalkboard. stupid as he is he does it absoltely lousy making the teacheresses very angry.
of course this has to be punished and the ladies take out leather straps applying soon some very hard strokes on the ass of the pupil. then its up to the 2nd pupil to try his best. but of course he is absoltely stupid too and has no talents for painting. so its time for the ladies next to show her painting performances. and now this poor boy will not only recieve the strap, he will also recieve vicious strokes with the cane and mistress nemesis paint a wonderful range of red lines on his ass. next time the pupils will perform better for sure! classic wonderful role play clip!
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