The Malicious Landlady 2
- Published in Whipping & Caning
- Tagged under: Boots | Whipping | Leather | Arrogance | Blond Hair | Business Lady | Countess Stella | Rich Lady | German Language |

Do you remember the luxury landlady who increased the rent so much that a young man was no longer able to pay? She offered him a special payment. She opened her handbag and took out a thin bullwhip.
"Maybe there is a chance for you to stay here and pay in another currency", she said. He was shocked for a moment but he had no other choice. He would pay with his body as a target for the sadistic lady's whip.
And from that day the lady visits him several times a week. Always dressed in expensive clothes like her snake skin dress and snake skin boots she comes to him to satisfy her sadistic pleasures. Today, it's whipping time again. Without any scruple she abuses the young man's body. She is rich, she can exploide his position. What counts are her sadistic desires...
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