Caged And Cropped
- Published in Whipping & Caning
- Tagged under: Boots | High Heels | Whipping | Leather | Black Hair | Domina Charlize | German Language |

next clip with phantastic mistress domina charlize! she comes home after beeing in the stables. she is a lil bit frustrated about the riding session, but beeing a sadist and having always some objects of let go frustrations she knows that one of her slave is still encaged in the cellar.
for a few hours already and he couldnt move in that cage. so she goes down into the cellar and releases their slave by taking him on his nipples with her cruel fingers. beeing in the hall now its time for pain. the slave has to stand straight. arms back. so his front is very well exposed to the cruelty of his owner. his prick is erected so its a wonderful target for some sharp slaps with the end of the riding crop of the mistress. he also gets hard slaps on his breast and his nipples. next he has to turn around and recieves more hard strokes on his ass and on his shoulders. next turn and more hard strokes on his prick! this time even more harder. the slave is really in big trouble now, but it eve gets bigger with more strokes, more strokes, more strokes, when he cries now or moves away from the strokes he gets now extra strokes. and although its nearly impossible the strokes get even harder and harder. it seems the slave is still not have enough trouble so the goddess uses her sharp fingernails now and twisting his nipples. the slave cries out now really loud. more hard slaps on his cock next. his body shaking and he cries out. 10 hard extras on his already damaged ass. well, to be honest we stopped the clip now to make it not too long. but if domina charlize could have decided, she would punish and torture this poor slave for hours and hours for sure! best femdom clip you find here! for sure!
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