The Caning Therapy
- Published in Whipping & Caning
- Tagged under: Empress Victoria | Worship | High Heels | Whipping | Uniform | Blond Hair | English Language |

we are again in the dungeon today with empress victoria and her 2 slaves. she starts speaking with one of them who is already prepared on the punishment bench with a straightjacket on: "well i heard about how hard it was for you earlier to give in that you are a spy. thats why you are here. we want to have more informations and even if medicine didnt help so far, i have some special methods to get all the informations i want. so tell me: who is your partner here in this prison? which who do you cooperate?" every question is followed by a hard vicios strokes of her rattan cane.
empress victoria also has another cane here, a black rubber cane that is very very painful and with this instrument she will surely beat the truth out of the spy. "tell me names slave! now! but our stupid slave here still thinks, he can get through the punishment with the cane. but this clip needs exactly 08.16 mins to proove the opposite. in fact at least empress victoria gets out a sharp stingy plastic cane, very swishy, very flexible and very very painful. and she gets all informations she wants at least.
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