Whipped Without Mercy
- Published in Whipping & Caning
- Tagged under: Boots | High Heels | Whipping | Leather | Leggins | Lady Pascal | Leggings | German Language |

lady pascal rolls hin her slave in a cage as this new clip starts. he have been in there for a few hours. maybe he is happy now that his mistress releases him of the cage, but he dont know his new goddess lady pascal yet.
he has to position himself and gets his arms tied up in the air. next she takes a brown painful mid lenght bullwhip. "well, then have a look what i bought here from the slave market and lets see if you are worth the money i invested into you." lady pascal says. next her whip goes into action. as beeing an experienced lady she uses a good backhand tecnique with this whip enable her to swing through with all power of her right arm. stroke after stroke cutting into the ass of the slave who soon starts to moan out loud under the merciless hard whipping of his new mistress.
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