Helpless And Whipped Hard
- Published in Whipping & Caning
- Tagged under: Whipping | Leather | Gloves | Belting | Mistress Ezada | Classic Femdom | Black Hair | English Language |

here we have the next clip with hard punishment. starring adorable mistress ezada she is dressed in black leather. her slave is already prepared lying on a punishment bench, tied to it with leather straps.
she starts with a lil bit warumup by spanking the bottom of the slave with her gloved hands. this warmup is already very painful cuz mistress ezada has a powerful right arm. next her whip goes into action. a vicious cat o nine tail of tight leather. this is no soft flogger warm up whip, this one is stingy and inflicts lots of pain from the beginning. and as already said, the right arm of this mistress is enormous powerful and if there is one thing in the world, ezada loves it is to whip a male til she is fully exhausted and the male is totally broken!
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