The Malicious Landlady
- Published in Whipping & Caning
- Tagged under: Boots | Whipping | Leather | Gloves | Bitchy | Arrogance | Countess Stella | Rich Lady | German Language |

As the bell rings, the young man opens the door of his flat. It's his landlady who wants to talk with him, so he guides her into his living room. The rich lady is dressed in snake skin leather: Her designer boots, her dress and even the short gloves. She really loves to show her wealth.
"Well, I just want to inform you, that from now on you have to pay the double rent!", she says with an arrogant voice and presents a new contract. The absolutely surprised man tells her that he is not able to pay so much money but the mean woman is not interested. Howbeit, somehow she is listening to him and then she has another surprise for him. She opens her handbag and takes out a thin bullwhip.
"Maybe there is a chance for you to stay here and pay in another currency", she says. He is shocked for a moment but he has no other choice. He will pay with his body as a target for the sadistic lady's whip. He is ordered to strip and then to face the wall and really, the cruel woman starts to whip him. Looks like she has found a new painslave for her devilish whip.
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