You Must Not Move
- Published in Whipping & Caning
- Tagged under: High Heels | Leather | Gloves | White Blouse | Mistress Athena | Blond Hair | English Language |

This slave has to learn that he has to take his punishment like a man but it seems it will be a long way for him. Especially when the punisher is Mistress Athena, who is well known for a severe beating.
The slave was brought to the metal room and chained to the ceiling. Mistress Athena, who is dressed in skin tight leather trousers, a skin tight blouse and breath taking high heels, explains the slave that he has to stay still. A small bell at his chains will signalize every little move.
But who is able to keep his position if Mistress Athena brings down the cane with full power? So the complete training is nothing else than pain and humiliation for the slave. The bell rings a lot and every ring means more punishment until he is totally exhausted. What a cruel game...
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