Red Ass Caning
- Published in Whipping & Caning
- Tagged under: Boots | Smoking | Gloves | Lady Chanel | Bitchy | Arrogance | Young Femdom | German Language |

Although Chanel is still a young Mistress she already has her own strict rules for slaves. She found out that a slave works best if he is permanently reminded to his position. And nothing else works better than a red ass, beaten daily with the cane.
That's why this stron slave is bound to the punishment horse and Chanel enters the room. She wears a bitchy, skin tight dress and her favourite thigh high leather boots. She has a cane in her leather gloved hand and she takes a deep puff from her cigarette. "Are you still waiting for me?", she says with an arrogant voice.
What follows is an ice cold caning until the red color on the slave's ass is completely refreshed. Chanel doesn't show any emotions. Cruel and heartless she brings down the cane on her victim's ass. Only from time to time there is a satisfied smile on her lips.
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