These Gloves Mean Punishment
- Published in Whipping & Caning
- Tagged under: High Heels | Gloves | Lingerie | Stockings | Mistress Athena | Blond Hair | Erotic | English Language |

As Mistress Athena comes closer to two of her slaves, she puts on a pair of opera length, black leather gloves. She sees the fear in the slaves' eyes and she says: "You both know, these gloves mean punishment!" Athena wears very hot lingerie, stockings and amazing high heels. And she has a cane in her hand.
"How can you so stupid to leave this dungeon without my permission? This cane will teach you that you should never ever piss me off!", she says and while she runs down the cane slowly and gently on one slave's back she tells him that she will beat especially him extra hard.
What follows is a hard caning for both slaves. Like a snake, Athena walks around the post with the slaves and her cane bits into their asses again and again. The jump and the scream but that only makes the Mistress smiling. After a while the punishment turns into pure enjoyment for her...
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6:57 min, 207 MB, MPG HD
English Language
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