The Interrogation - Caning
- Published in Whipping & Caning
- Tagged under: Interrogation | Mistress Cloe | Double Domination | Uniform | Prison | Miss Sarah | German Language |

As officer Sarah and Cleo return to the hall, they are more than angry. The prisoner they interrogated before, gave them a wrong information. Bad idea. Both ladies have canes in her hands now. The rebel says that he is sorry for that but Cloe answers: "Oh no, I know you don't feel sorry for that but you WILL!"
And with this announcement they already start to beat his ass with the canes. With full force. He tries to give them more informations now, right informations, but the cruel ladies don't belive in him. Or do they start to have fun with the caning? Probably both because no matter what he says, they call him a liar and continue with the caning.
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