Every Inch Of Her Heels
- Published in Boots & High Heels
- Tagged under: Boots | High Heels | Lady Pascal | German Language |

A rich business lady returns from a shopping trip, her private slave is awaiting her at her house, ready to serve her. He opens the door of the car for her.
The first thing he sees are the expensive designer boots he spend his life under. The black leather boots are decorated with several chains of diamonds.
As usual, Lady Pascal clicks the chain into his collar and pulls him behind her to a steel stair that leed directly to her relaxing area. But the boots of this arrogant lady needs a polish. No, not the boots, rather the sole and the heels. And that's what this lower creature is living for. His Mistress stands high above him and he crawls under her heels and starts licking and cleaning them with his tongue now.
He does his best but as always the sadistic boot lady is not satisfied. She orders him to put out his tongue as far as he can and to put it on a step. With much cruel pleasure she then steps on his tongue with her sharp heel. He moans and cries a lot... music in Lady Pascal's ears.
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8:31 min, 190 MB, MPG HD
German Language
(english subtitled)
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8:31 min, 162 MB, WMV SD
German Language
(english subtitled)
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