Dirty Boots Slave
- Published in Boots & High Heels
- Tagged under: Lady Chanel | German Language |

Lady Chanel Returns from a walk outside. Before she enters the Club the mean girl stops at a muddy place and makes sure that the soles of her boots gets really dirty.
She knows that two of her slaves are awaiting her inside the club and that will be really funny to use them for cleaning the boots. When she enters, one slave already lays on the floor, ready to serve as a doormat, the other slave helps her to stand on him. The slave on the floor has abig boot fetish, the other one hates to lick dirty boots. Guess, who of them the young Goddess will make her boot slave now? Of course, the one who hates that. Chanel takes a seat and orders him to start clean off all the mud from her boots with his tongue.
The other slave has to watch. He is not allowed to join even he wants that so much. He can't resists and crawls clowser, asking his young Mistress if he may lick her boots but the mean lady just kicks him away and orders him back to the corner. What a mean girl...
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6:49 min, 151 MB, MPG HD
German Language
(english subtitled)
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6:49 min, 130 MB, WMV SD
German Language
(english subtitled)
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