The Wrong Gift - Part 2-3
- Published in Boots & High Heels
- Tagged under: Miss Leni | German Language |

It's time now for the slave to present his gift to Miss Leni and so he brings a creamy cake what of course is a very very wrong gift for a fashion lady like Miss Leni. She looks at the cake very disgusted.
"My first impression is, that this cake does not taste good!" She takes a piece of the cake with her long red fingernail and pushes it into the slave's mouth. "Taste it!", she orders and the slave eat it and cleans Miss Leni's finger with his tongue. Again and again she forces him to eat larger pieces. She does not allow him a break and so she puts the cake down on the floor and steps on it with her expensive stiletto boot. "Clean them!" she commands and the slave must eat and lick all the cake from her boot.
At the point, where the slave is not able to eat more cake she stands up, grabs his head and pushes it down into the creamy cake. "Look at your messy face!", she says, "It needs to be cleaned and I already know how to do it!" With a cruel smile she open her toilet and orders him to move his face into it. Then she pushes the button and a flush of cold water runs over his face. What a funny moment for the vain young lady.
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