The Wrong Gift - Part 1
- Published in Boots & High Heels
- Tagged under: Miss Leni | German Language |

Miss Leni enters her bathroom in an exciting rubber dress. She finds a naked guy there, his head wrapped with red rubber tape, who tells her that he is a special gift for the young and vain Mistress.
So Miss Leni makes him crawl and she orders him to start licking her expensive, shiny boots. He is also commaned to lick the stiletto heels very clean. He does it with a deep passion but of course the spoiled lady is not satisfied. So she takes away the red rubber tape from his head. There is more space for his tongue now to do the work.
"Lick here, lick there!", she victimises the man but it's hard for him to follow her orders because his hands are still taped...
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