Boot Drill in Foil - Part 4-5
- Published in Boots & High Heels
- Tagged under: Lady Pascal | German Language |

Lunch time for the slave and Lady Pascal will feed him with a banana. But not the normal way: A boot slave will also eat from the lady's boot.
So Lady Pascal puts a piece from the banana on her stiletto heel and orders the slave to eat it from the heel. Then he must lick the heel clean again. The second piece follows but this time Lady Pascal moves her leg from left to right and up and down so it is very defficult for the slave to eat from her heel. It is dangerous too because the heel could damage his mouth. The next pieces will be eaten directly from the soles of her boots. Lady Pascal crushes the banana under her boots and forces the slave to eat it from her boots and to clean her soles then. But cleaning ist not enough, she wants the slave making her boots much more shining then before. A hard job for the slave.
"You had your meal, now I want a break", Lady Pascal says with a cruel smile and lights up a cigarette. She takes a relaxed seat on her chair and the slave moans in pain. Lady Pascal has the weight of her legs only on one stiletto heel on his chest. She takes a deep breath and enjoys her cigarette.
She seems to be in a merciful mood now because she allows the slave to hold her feet with his hands. But that was not a real good decision: Now the spiked heels digs into his palms. From time to time she ashes directly into his mouth. His mouth is wide opened by a retractor so he has no other chance than to swallow the hot ash.
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