Serving The High Heel Girl - Part 2
- Published in Boots & High Heels
- Tagged under: Miss Leni | German Language |

The humiliation of the admirer continues. He is beeing ordered to lick Miss Leni's stiletto heels but she moves up her feet so high he cannot reach them. "Oh, you are such a stupid looser!", the spoiled girl laughs at him.
She takes the pair of metal spiked pumps and put the heels into his mouth so he must hold the pumps with his teeth. That's very difficult but Miss Leni forces him to keep on licking her heels. Of course that doesn't work but Miss Leni interprets that as another sign of his density.
Later he is allowed to kneel and the amazing young lady stands in front of him, holding her stiletto sandals in her hand. "Come on! Catch them with your mouth!", she commands and the slave tries to reach them. What a funny game for that arrogant girl...
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