Serving The High Heel Girl - Part 1
- Published in Boots & High Heels
- Tagged under: Miss Leni | German Language |

Miss Leni as the awesome IT Girl she is, dominating one of her admirers! Miss Leni sits in her big chair wearing an amazing and extreme hot outfit with very high heeled sandals.
She orders her slave to clean them but she is in the mood to make it very deiificult for him. She raises her leg up so he must really work hard to do a good job, Of course he must clean the heel. Miss Leni makes him blowing the heel like a sissy maid.
She then wants to change her heels and so he must help her putting on a new pair. These pumps are stunning with ultra metal spiked heels. Miss Leni walks around a little bit and then the humiliating work for the slave starts over...
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