Miss Leni And Her New Secretary - Part 5-6
- Published in Boots & High Heels
- Tagged under: Miss Leni | German Language |

The candidate was ordered into Miss Leni's dark room where he waits for her now. Miss Leni enters the room, now wearing extreme dominant, black leather overknee boots. She wants the candidate to attach a leather belt to his balls for a better control. Then she sits down on her high tron, looking down at the candidate who must kneel on the floor now. She commands him to show his submissiveness: He must lick and whorship her high leather boots.
The dominant lady wants to smoke and after he lighted up her cigarette he is also being used as a human ashtray. He must open his mouth for the hot ash and the Miss Leni forced him to swallow it. The he must return down to her boots.
And then, the unbelievable happens: SHE STOMPS OUT HER GLOWING CIGARETTE ON HIS TONGUE! He tries to escape but the cruel young lady holds him tight on his collar. He screams very loud because of the heavy pain.
Later he lays on the bench, the arrogant bitch sits next to him and uses her leather boot to tease his cock which is helpless presented in its cage to her. She teases him until he nears to an orgasm and then she breaks it beating his cock with her riding crop.
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