Miss Leni And Her New Secretary - Part 3-4
- Published in Boots & High Heels
- Tagged under: Miss Leni | German Language |

While Miss Leni explains the candidate what she expects from her private secretary she keeps trampling on his body with her feet. She squeezes his nipples and commands him to lick her heels.
Next he must present her his first gift. Every candidate has to buy the spoiled lady a pair of brand new shoes! He bought her some new black patent pumps with dangerous metal spiked heels. The young Mistress seems to be satisfied with it.
As she wants to eat some filled chocolate the canditate has to bring it from the kitchen. He says that he don't like sweet chocolate. A mistake! Of course, the devlish young Mistress now forces him to eat the chocolate from her spiked heel... she sticks her ultra spiked heel into the praline and pushes it into the mouth of the candidate. I begs that she doesn't do it but it is another big mistake to expect any mercy from the devlish lady!
After feeding her victim Miss Leni wants him to clean up the floor with is tongue and then (of course) her spiked metal heels. She also plays a little bit around with her heels on the slaves cock which is already caged in a chain cock corset... pleasure and pain is what her victim gets from the spoiled chick...
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