Miss Leni And Her New Secretary - Part 1-2
- Published in Boots & High Heels
- Tagged under: Miss Leni | German Language |

The young and spoiled Miss Leni is looking for a new secretary. She did put a special advertisement in a magazine and is now waiting for the first applicant. The candidate must already wear leather cuffs on his hand. He knows that the young Mistress only accepts a candidate who will do EVERYTHING she wants.
Soon enough the applicant realises that he better takes it seriously and that the rich chick is looking for much more than a simple secretary...
Miss Leni sits on the candidate and ask some questions to check out his qualification to become her new and very special secretary. Everytime he doesn't answer quick enough or the young lady doesn't like his answer she hits his caged cock very hard with her leather gloves.
Then she takes his documents again to read them intensive while she puts her feet on his body. Her spiked heels dig deep into his chest. As her mobile phone rings she hurries to stand up whithout taking care for the men under her heels. Another candidate is on the line. Step by step the spoiled lady notices that the candidate under her heels badly need the new job. Good news to the dominant chick. She bents over him and spits him into his mouth...
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