Lick My Expensive Heels Slave
- Published in Boots & High Heels
- Tagged under: Worship | Bootlicker | High Heels | Hot Dress | Foot Worship | Miss Sarah | German Language |

we presented already a lot of clips of miss sarah often teamed up with lady faye. this time we have a single clip with this adorable german bitch.
"slave, come on, my shoes are dirty - clean them up" she says, relaxing on a leather couch in the dungoen and pointing on the tip of her very expensive designer heels. he crawls over to her on all fours and starts to lick the shiny leather. of course he has to lick her soles and her high heels also always watched by his arrogant owner. as we can see in her stonecold eyes she seems not to be satisfied with this pathetic idiot so we are very sure that he gets a serious punishment after this lousy work as a reward.
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