Boots Addicted
- Published in Boots & High Heels
- Tagged under: Boots | Bootlicker | Leather | Mademoiselle de S. | English Language |

A slave was ordered to come back to the classroom where Mademoiselle de S. is waiting for him. She wants to talk with him about his bad results in the last week. But while she talks to him she notices that he can't take off his eyes from her exclusive leather boots.
As always, Mademoiselle de S. is dressed in a perfect leather suit. She really looks stunning but her boots make that outfit perfect. "Do you like my boots?", she asks but she doesn't expect an answer. A few seconds later, the slave lays on the floor and he worships the head Mistress' boots exactly as she commands him.
While Mademoiselle takes a seat he has to work very hard with his tongue. What a nice new boot cleaner for the spoiled lady. She orders him to lick every inch of the boots because she wants them spotless. And, she tells him that he has to come now every evening for cleaning her boots.
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