Abused After The Work
- Published in Boots & High Heels
- Tagged under: Corset | Boots | Bootlicker | Leather | Gloves | Arrogance | Mademoiselle de S. | English Language |

A slave walks slowly and ducked through the corridor in the basement. He has to carry the heavy stone that is attached to his leg irons. He returns from the fields where he had to work hard the whole day. "Faster!" A mean female voice pushes him forward and the cruel sound of a dressage whip cuts the air.
Behind the slave a leather clad woman appears. What a contrast, the naked and exhausted slave and the Mistress in fines black leather. Her corset shows her big breast with the soft skin. The high heels of her designer boots are ultra thin end elegant but dangerous. "Down own your knees and lick the dust from my boots!", the leather lady commands. Her eyes behind sun glasses you can only see her mean smile. Is there dust at her boots? Who cares? She is in charge and in the mood to enjoy her power.
Her whip shows him where she wants him to start. He has to lick ever inch of her sharp heels and then the leather from the soles up over her knees. She also abuses the exhausted slave as her footstool for a while before he has to continue to lick. She wants her boot spotless before she puts him is his cage for the night.
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